Books By Hannah Morrell
Breaking Free: Making the Impossible Christian Life Possible
God began His journey with humanity in relationship and continues to pursue this relationship with us throughout history. The Christian life was never supposed to be an attempt to resolve the love of God and the misery that many believe He requires for life. People have tried to confine God into religion, which creates bondage and imprisonment rather than the freedom He promised.
Christians often start their journey with Jesus with enthusiasm, joy, and excitement, but rather quickly transition to a place of discouragement and frustration. We come to faith in Christ because of His love and sacrifice, but the pressure of performance and criticism can derail any satisfaction we have in our relationship with Him.
Breaking Free examines the importance of relationship and the dangers of religious constructs that are not relational. You can experience abiding life, living in intimate relationship with God, and enjoy the transformation this relationship brings to your everyday, normal life as well as the trials and hard circumstances. This is rubber-meets-the-road Christianity—the Life of Jesus making the impossible possible and bringing peace and joy no matter the circumstance.
Identity: Truth vs Lie
As a pastoral counselor, I hear the same negative identity messages being repeated over and over in people’s lives. These messages often define how people act and cope with life, but they are rarely examined as the causes behind behavior. When I feel like a failure, I will often either act like a failure because I’ve given up trying to do something different, or work really hard to prove I’m not.
I wrote this book to help you identify some of these identity messages based on past experiences and examine God’s truth about who you are in Christ as opposed to how you might feel. My hope is you will begin to see the result of living to these lies and find freedom to live according to the truth of Jesus’ Life in you.