Walking Like a Superhero

There’s a little boy I see every morning when I’m dropping my daughter off at school. He comes to help drop off his older brother, and always shows up in his Superman pajamas complete with cape. The thing that always strikes me as hilarious is how he walks next to his dad. He’s this tiny little man, but walks like he is 10 feet tall—he definitely has the superhero walk down. His cape flows behind him, and he takes large, commanding steps no matter where he is going.

I love watching him and it makes me giggle a little to watch him stride through the parking lot. This morning, though, God spoke and asked me how I would walk if I knew and believed the super power that dwells within me? That caught me off guard. You see, I used to always walk with my eyes on my shoes (which might explain some of my clumsiness). I didn’t feel that I had worth, and I walked like it. I didn’t understand Who I had, or who I was.

You see, when you have Christ’s Life within you, you have the power of the Living God walking around with you. He says He will be everything you need, and we have all of Him to meet all of our problems, dilemmas and circumstances. I think when I realize that I am the chosen dwelling place of God Himself (1 Corinthians 6:19), and that makes me His.

What does being His mean? It means He’s given me worth, meaning, purpose and life. It means that through me, He is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and perseverance. Jesus is everything I need in me, and I lack for nothing. He hasn’t given me salvation and then demanded that I make Him happy so I can pay Him back.

Jesus has not only died, but risen—and lives within you. He has severed the tie with the law, and allows us to walk in freedom as a new person. I love what Watchman Nee says about this in The Normal Christian Life. Paraphrased, he says that the law wasn’t going to go away, and we were married to the law. In order for us to be free, we had to die, and when we died with Christ (Galatians 2:20) we were set free from the law. Now we are united with Christ, and He lives in us. We are not still trying to maintain a relationship with a bunch of rules that we hoped would make us good enough. We have been MADE good enough, and we are just growing in recognition of this.

I believe that when you begin to see who Jesus is in you, and how you are empowered every day by Him for any situation you encounter, you too will walk like a super hero. You will take grand steps acknowledging that He will be enough for the strength you need to do the impossible. You will rest in the identity that He has given you, not trying to prove yourself but instead standing tall in what He says about you.

 Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! Romans 8:37