My son is in kindergarten and he is just starting to experience the love/hate relationship with learning. He puts so much pressure on himself to get his schoolwork right, and yesterday broke down crying because he couldn’t remember how to spell a word.
You Want Me To Do What, God?
I was reading this morning about when Saul (the guy who liked pulling Christians out of their homes and carting them off to jail) comes face to face with Jesus on the road (Acts 9). He’s headed to do more damage and is very determined to stamp out this crazy faction of Jesus followers. The Christians would have been terrified to see him coming.
The Fear and Anxiety of Parenting
You guys, allow me to be really honest here. I hear so many stories throughout my day that are hard and scary and brutal. When it comes to allowing my kids out of the house, all those stories come back to me and it is VERY difficult not to think about them and try to prevent any of these things from happening to my kids.