Walking in the Impossible

Walking in the Impossible

When I wake up to the limitations of the same old day with the same problems as yesterday, Your joy is my encouragement and inspiration.

When I look ahead to the overwhelming work needing to be done, You remind me it isn’t all up to me—that I can entrust my life and all it contains to You.

When I seem to be running from the demons of my past as they frighten me and threaten to keep me locked up in prison forever, You free me and show me how to fly.

Falling Into God

Falling Into God

I watched an interesting video recently of billionaire business owner, Sara Blakely, talking about her father’s raising her to welcome failure. Every night when his kids got back from school and they gathered around the dinner table, he would ask each of them how they had failed that day, and celebrate it! He wanted them to fail because that meant they were trying new things and not just staying in their comfort zone. Sara continues to do this with her own company employees today, having meetings where she asks them how they have failed and learned something new. 



I came across a name of God that I had not heard often before, possibly because it only appears in the Bible once. It is El Roi, the God who sees me. (Genesis 16:13-14) Hagar, servant of Sarai, has become pregnant because she has been offered to Abraham by her mistress. Sarai has developed some serious jealousy and is lashing out at Hagar, even though the whole thing was Sarai’s idea in the first place. Hagar escapes to get away from the torment, and God meets her in the desert. And my expectation for the next part of this story is that He rescues her, carries her off to a new land and allows her to prosper in comfort and happiness. But that’s not what happens.