


I’m sitting at my son’s football practice watching another kid on his team, and marveling at his perseverance. He is slow. He runs a lap behind everyone else. He barely lifts his feet to run. But he doesn’t quit. He puts one foot in front of the other, and keeps going.

This kid amazes me, as he doesn’t let being the last one get him down, but just keeps going. I wonder what he tells himself as he runs. I feel like I need to ask because I probably need the same pep-talk sometimes.

Perseverance is hard. I want to quit and just sit down. Especially when I’m the slowest, last, or feel most left out. Sometimes it feels like everyone else gets the break, gets the credit, gets picked for something important. Or everyone else gets the relationship they want, the peaceful circumstance, or the honor of being the first or the best.

Even as I write this, I’m struggling with a recent disappointment of discovering a grant for the ministry went to someone else, and will not be helpful in supporting Broken & Hopeful this year. The hard stuff can all add up sometimes, and we feel like we might as well quit.  

When You Are Limping Instead of Running

When You Are Limping Instead of Running

Some days I run with passionate endurance.
Some days I walk with a limp.
The pressing on and finishing well
Can seem never-ending.
The fight could really just stop.
I don’t want to face the enemy—
I’d rather just hide.
Needing a break from it all.

That’s when I must push deep into rest,
Not sleep or taking a nap.
But pursuing quiet in the middle of the busyness,
Soaking in my time sitting at Jesus’ feet.
I come away from the distractions of life
To refocus instead on the outstretched hand,
Beckoning me to come to Him
And allow Him to restore my soul.

Endurance & Perseverance

Endurance & Perseverance

Last year, my sister-in-laws convinced me to try to run a 10K for the first time in my life. I was running a bit, but only short distances. Six miles seemed ridiculously far away. I often found myself running too fast in the beginning couple of miles, and then I was totally spent and couldn’t go further. I had to slow myself down so I could run for longer, increasing my endurance.