
Hiding Place

Hiding Place

Some days I need a place to hide. A place that is safe and always accessible, no matter what is going on around me. I am not denying the bad stuff—it’s definitely everywhere. But I can also experience a place in my spirit that rises above everything else, allowing me to rest. It seems like an oxymoron, right? Rest when everything is spinning like crazy. But over and over again, God calls us to rest.

I’ve been spending a lot of time praying through Psalm 31 recently. Especially when it comes to praying for many I know who are in danger, who feel like their world is falling apart, who can’t find a safe place in the world at all. I am trusting God to be their hiding place, their rescue.

This is what I pray for them, and for you.



I came across a name of God that I had not heard often before, possibly because it only appears in the Bible once. It is El Roi, the God who sees me. (Genesis 16:13-14) Hagar, servant of Sarai, has become pregnant because she has been offered to Abraham by her mistress. Sarai has developed some serious jealousy and is lashing out at Hagar, even though the whole thing was Sarai’s idea in the first place. Hagar escapes to get away from the torment, and God meets her in the desert. And my expectation for the next part of this story is that He rescues her, carries her off to a new land and allows her to prosper in comfort and happiness. But that’s not what happens.