
Hiding Place

Hiding Place

Some days I need a place to hide. A place that is safe and always accessible, no matter what is going on around me. I am not denying the bad stuff—it’s definitely everywhere. But I can also experience a place in my spirit that rises above everything else, allowing me to rest. It seems like an oxymoron, right? Rest when everything is spinning like crazy. But over and over again, God calls us to rest.

I’ve been spending a lot of time praying through Psalm 31 recently. Especially when it comes to praying for many I know who are in danger, who feel like their world is falling apart, who can’t find a safe place in the world at all. I am trusting God to be their hiding place, their rescue.

This is what I pray for them, and for you.

What If God Gives You More Than You Can Handle?

What If God Gives You More Than You Can Handle?

I can’t tell you how often I hear the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle!” It makes me cringe every time because then the implication is that if you are overwhelmed by the circumstances that surround you, then you aren’t doing life right. You must be weak, or faithless, or messing something up. But this is nowhere in the Bible!

The verse that I think is misquoted to mean this is 1 Cor 10:13, in which Paul talks about how God will always provide a way of escape from temptation. This verse DOES NOT say that we will never find ourselves in places that are overwhelming or too much for our own strength.

In fact, in 2 Cor 1:8-11, Paul talks about the severe trials he had experienced in Turkey, so overwhelming that he and the others being persecuted wanted to give up entirely. But he says these circumstances taught him to lose faith in himself and place all of his trust in the God who raises the dead. I find it interesting that Paul references God’s miraculous resurrections in this case—in other words, nothing (not even death) is too much for God.

Have you ever found yourself in a place that seemed too much for you to handle? Maybe it’s physical illness, or incredible work stress, or financial loss and insecurity, or emotional rollercoasters of relationships, or the idols of coping like addiction, or the repercussions of trauma, or feeling stuck and unable to get any traction in life. I’m feeling overwhelmed just listing these and thinking of people in each of these situations.

The Dark Days of Waiting

The Dark Days of Waiting

I love happy endings. I really can’t stand it when I watch a movie or read a book, and the ending just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. In fact, I actually rewrote several book endings when I was a kid because I didn’t like the original version. (Because, you know, they’re only timeless classics celebrated for their incredible stories but I thought I could do better!)