I can’t tell you how many people I talk to who just want to “figure it out” and they think this will bring resolution. Whether it’s analyzing their relationship with parents, understanding why they might have made the choices they did, or recognizing the issues an ex had which made the relationship impossible, it’s all an attempt to bring an explanation and thus hopefully, peace.
When God Doesn't Answer in the Way You Wanted
Have You Become a Lava Monster?
Whatever Today Brings
Whatever today brings. Whether it be the same old thing again or a new chapter you never wanted to begin. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you are looking at the same battle you’ve fought a thousand times in a thousand ways with no energy left to fight. Or if you are approaching a new life that’s scary and you don’t know what it will bring.
God's Adoption and the Struggles of Daily Life
Something About Hope
What is it about hope that allows us to face seemingly impossible situations without turning away? It almost seems an arrogant gall, but it’s really an idea that maybe things will get better, that I will get through this and that things will be better on the other side. But the real definition of hope to me is one that’s tied to Jesus, for hope without a God seems rather shallow.
Creating Vs. Recognizing
One of the concepts that my friend and mentor Mike Wells talked about a lot was recognition versus creation. When we are a branch on the Vine, we don’t create fruit—it is a natural outcome of the Life of Vine flowing through us. We don’t have to generate something and figure it out and make it happen.
Faithfulness and Lovingkindness
God’s faithfulness is absolutely astounding to me. Daily I have doubts, worries, screw-ups and yet He stays faithful. I question what He does and how He does it, but He remains steadfast. And not just a put-up-with-you kind of faithful as He remains faithful in His lovingkindness.“Faithful is He who calls you and He also will bring it to pass.” 1 Thess 5:24
To the Mamas and Those Who Wish They Were
Worry and the Danger of Playing God
Some days waking seems a burden. The weight of a thousand worries meets us as soon as our minds are roused from sleep. The “what-if’s” come hard and fast, leaving us feeling hopeless. What if I lose my job? What if my spouse leaves me? What if my kids don't make it into that school? What if we don't have enough money?
The Lie of Performance
You Want Me To Do What, God?
I was reading this morning about when Saul (the guy who liked pulling Christians out of their homes and carting them off to jail) comes face to face with Jesus on the road (Acts 9). He’s headed to do more damage and is very determined to stamp out this crazy faction of Jesus followers. The Christians would have been terrified to see him coming.
The Fear and Anxiety of Parenting
You guys, allow me to be really honest here. I hear so many stories throughout my day that are hard and scary and brutal. When it comes to allowing my kids out of the house, all those stories come back to me and it is VERY difficult not to think about them and try to prevent any of these things from happening to my kids.
When You Feel Stuck
Failed Out, by Hannah
Chased by God, by Elizabeth
Fear, Anxiety and Living Life Without Their Control
Loving the Unlovable
Judging In My Insecurity
Well, this is one of those posts that I don’t want to write because it (more than usual) exposes all my flaws and issues and doesn’t make me feel good. But one of the things I’ve learned over these past 10 years in counseling is that raw vulnerability in my own problems is often a way to pulling down walls in others.