Provision for Your Calling

Provision for Your Calling

Sometimes the callings on our lives seem so grand and enlightening. And sometimes, they seem more like just surviving. Our week-long camping trip in southern Colorado turned out like the latter. After pulling the kids out of school, we would head off to the Great Sand Dunes for a few days, followed by Pagosa Springs and maybe the Royal Gorge if we had time. I was really looking forward to sitting in a hot springs pool for an afternoon after a stressful back-to-school month. 

Giving Up

Giving Up

If you’re anything like me, there are things you give up on all the time. So many resolutions are made around New Year’s Day, and so many are discarded within a month of making them. Sometimes I give up on them because I realize there is a better way of doing things, or other times I realize the plans I had were just unrealistic altogether. I am enough of a visionary that I can plan for all sorts of wonderful changes, but the details of actually doing them can make me realize they aren’t happening. 

Addiction to Acceptance and Pleasing People

Addiction to Acceptance and Pleasing People

Of the many topics I can write about in this blog, this one made me cringe more than most. I am so grateful for the freedom God has brought me in some areas of my own addiction to pleasing others (or at least trying really hard to do so). But the way we learn to be free from this is to have people not be happy with us, or to be in a place where we can’t get acceptance no matter what we do. And as an expert people-pleaser, this meant that I had to be rejected a lot before I was willing to even entertain the idea that I needed to get my acceptance from only one being in my life—Jesus.

The Difference from Giving Thanks

The Difference from Giving Thanks

You wouldn’t think a little shift in perspective would change your life, but I have experienced exactly that. When we obsess on all the things we think are wrong or how we don’t have enough of something, we move to the negative and live in that mess. When we recognize Jesus even in the hard of life, we can move forward with a totally different mindset.

Comfort, Rest and Temper Tantrums

Comfort, Rest and Temper Tantrums

Sometimes I throw temper tantrums about my life.I might as well be a 2-year-old with the fits I can have concerning all the things I feel I should not have to be experiencing, the comparisons I make to find myself lacking, and the struggles of others I want to wish away. I get mad at God, at the situation and at myself. It’s really hard for me to understand rest in the middle of struggle.

God's Compassion for Us

God's Compassion for Us

Every couple of weeks, I attend a little ladies’ Bible study at my neighbor’s house. These women have been such a gift to me in their kindness, lack of judgement (even if I didn’t read all the homework!) and compassion in walking with each other. We are studying a series on Gideon, and I have been surprised at how much I see God’s compassion for the Israelites in some of the passages of the Old Testament. This people messed up over and over, running the opposite direction from where God had told them to go.

Cotton Candy & Broken Dreams

Cotton Candy & Broken Dreams

What do you do when your dreams lay broken and burning all around you? How do you carry on when it seems like all the ways your life was “supposed to be” have turned up empty? How do you find your way through the darkness of despair when nothing you look at proves that you are worth something?

Fairy Godmothers and Being a New Creation

Fairy Godmothers and Being a New Creation

As a little girl, I dreamed of the princess transformation like Cinderella’s done by her fairy godmother. I think even as adults, women (secretly) would love to have a magic wand waved over them to change their hair, their dress, their shoes and then whisk them off in a carriage to a ball with a handsome prince. And little boys (and sometimes girls too) dream of being the best baseball player and winning the championship, or being the strong knight in shining armor who heroically rescues the damsel in distress.

Barren Gardens and the Fruit of the Spirit

Barren Gardens and the Fruit of the Spirit

As someone who works in a people-centered career doing counseling every day, my garden is something that usually allows me to see something tangible for my efforts. There’s no point at which you can check someone off your list as being “done” but you can look at the lovely pile of spinach, carrots, tomatoes and squash and feel a real sense of accomplishment.But not this year.This year, I mourn the loss of the fruits of my garden and hope for a better season next year.

The Pressure of Doing Everyday Life

The Pressure of Doing Everyday Life

Do you ever feel the pressure of living out your calling, and wonder how you are going to be what everyone needs or wants you to be? How are you going to raise these kids? How are you going to preach on Sunday? How are you going to show up to a marriage which requires so much? How are you going to do one more day in a menial, thankless job that barely pays the bills? How are you going to love a person in your life who keeps responding in bitterness? How are you going to listen to the question of an aging parent and answer with patience for the hundredth time today?

Trying to Play God in the Circumstances of Life

Trying to Play God in the Circumstances of Life

A few days ago, I got caught in the funk of the “always” and “never” statements in my life. I started thinking that I would always be in this place, and circumstances will never be change. It is pretty discouraging when you start thinking this way, and often we don’t realize we are trying to play God in our own lives.

Because He First Loved Us

Because He First Loved Us

I don’t know about you, but I often forget the incredible pursuit of the love of God. I forget that He reached out to us while we hated Him, while we were sinners—our filthy rags of “righteousness” and of outright rebellion all mixed together in a mess and even still He did not turn away. He walked right into that mess and declared Himself victor as He willingly laid down His Life.

Questions and Doubts

Questions and Doubts

I watched a show the other day in which a character was having a crisis of faith. All the things she believed about God came crashing down around her as she battled through an emotional trauma which started the whole thing. The questions sometimes seem to rise up with enough force to crush us. I talk to people often who are dealing with the same thing—questions, doubt, discontent with what God is doing or not doing.

The Condemnation and Freedom of the Love Passage: A Different Perspective on 1 Corinthians 13

The Condemnation and Freedom of the Love Passage:  A Different Perspective on 1 Corinthians 13

I remember the reading of 1 Corinthians 13 in church or elsewhere as the one that made me feel most wanting. Here are all the things you are supposed to do to be loving, and I could see my failures in every place. I’m not patient. I’m not kind. I keep records of wrongs. I’m jealous. I don’t believe the best about people. I’m irritated. I’m offended. I delight in wrong sometimes. I give up on people.