I Will Trust You

I Will Trust You

I will trust You when the future looks uncertain.
I will trust You when logic tells me I shouldn’t.
I will trust You even if I don’t get what I want.

I will trust You to give me what brings me close to You.
I will trust You to lead me to places I never dreamed.
I will trust You to provide enough, even if it’s not in the way I thought best.

I will trust You when I am surrounded by darkness.
I will trust You when the worries want to choke me.
I will trust You even when I can’t see a clear path ahead.

Choosing Busy or Rest

Choosing Busy or Rest

Have you asked someone how they are doing and had the common response “busy”? I know I’ve given it myself, and it’s supposed to imply that you are important and productive. Except we forget that just because we are busy doesn’t mean we are doing what God has called us to do. That’s a tough one to admit sometimes. In the North American culture, we equate busyness with productivity and worth. It’s not the same, though, and really hinders many of us from entering God’s rest and understanding our worth as defined by Him.

I have learned that when I am getting overwhelmed or stressed because my life is too full, I need to stop and ask a few questions:

1. Am I called to do this? Of course, I am called to Jesus first, not to a task. But from there, sometimes God calls us to do something, and sometimes He doesn’t. When we assume that everything that’s in front of us is a calling, we can tend to get overcommitted and overwhelmed. First, we stop, slow down and really question God on whether or not this task or commitment is something He has for us, or if we are taking it on to try to prove worth or meaning.

The Sacrifice of Praise

The Sacrifice of Praise

I don’t often equate the idea of praise with sacrifice. I think more of singing worship music or thanking God when things go the way I wanted them to. I can praise Him often that way. But this isn’t what Hebrews 13 is talking about when it says God doesn’t want you to keep sacrificing lambs (as in the old sacrificial system) but rather to offer sacrifices of praise.

We offer a sacrifice of praise when we thank God for what He is doing even when we don’t get the answer we want, or when we don’t yet see the ending of the difficult circumstance. We praise Him because we know He is steadfast and will never abandon us in the middle. It is a sacrifice to praise God when we don’t yet have a reason to do so, but we are borrowing hope from what we cannot see to stand in thankfulness now.

I think it’s sometimes helpful to see it as a sacrifice, rather than just something that is easy or a natural outcome of the situation in which we find ourselves. I don’t want to give thanks or remember God’s goodness when I’m focused on a situation that is difficult. I want to complain, and wallow in my misery. But as I offer a sacrifice of praise, proclaiming what Jesus has done for us and who He continues to be in us, I am changing something in me. I am no longer focused on the situation, but on God who holds the situation.

Choosing Your Choices

Choosing Your Choices

So, someone around here (that would be me) thought it would be a fun idea to get a puppy after our sweet old dog died this year. And don’t get me wrong, he is a cute little bugger. Right now, though, after several nights of sleep deprivation trying to get him housetrained, I am questioning most of my decision. I’m reminded again, though, of the importance of choosing our choices. What? Here’s what I mean.

Throughout life there are choices we have made, and many more that are made for us without our blessing or input. We often want to get angry, sad or depressed about whatever choice has been made for us, and sometimes we do it about our own decisions as well. I have been stopped in my tracks though when God asks me if I will choose to follow Him in whatever it is, even if I don’t like it. I would much rather throw a fit about it, and sulk in my disappointment. But if I choose my choices, I can change my attitude, and take advantage of the power Jesus’ indwelling Life brings to whatever situation it is.

You see, nothing is too big or too much for Him. Not a rejection or betrayal, not a tough marriage or a difficult child, not an unwanted move to a place we don’t want to go or a mess of a world that presents itself every morning upon our arising. If I invite Him into my mess, I am able to choose my choices and let Him be enough for each need throughout it. I want to be led by my Shepherd, following His gentle voice as it leads me through things I don’t think I can make it through. Even when the world looks dark and everywhere we look is something terrible, we can still have hope that He will be enough. So, we focus on showing up for our lives in whatever small way we can, inviting Him into each moment.

Battle Weary

Battle Weary

I feel battle-weary this week. It seems that no matter which way you turn, you get knocked down by another crisis. It is often in these times that we lose hope. We feel as if the situation will never resolve. Fear grips our world as we struggle through so many arguments, misunderstandings, outright attacks—the future seems grim and without hope.

This must have been true of every significant event in history. The point at which people wonder if it will ever be over, if our story will ever change. The people surviving the World War 1 and 2 with the Great Depression in the middle, aching to see the world free of conflict and just trying to feed families and keep people alive. The confusion of the Crusades in which people who claimed to be Christian pursued the demented idea that murdering people was the way to their salvation, while those who believed that Jesus loved and did not attack had to stand faithful to their people amidst the conflict. The persecution of Christians by Romans and the persecution of Christians today in China, India, so many other countries. And the division, death and suffering caused by evil in the world continues today. I can imagine that people in each of these dark places wondered if it would ever end, if God would ever rescue humanity out of such a mess that they had created.

He always does. He always sends help. Even if it’s not in the way or time we would choose, He moves in the suffering places to bring people freedom. You see, I think we often believe that death and suffering is the worst it can get, but separation from Him is actually worse. No, I don’t want anyone to be hurt, and neither does God. But can we push into the pain, realizing that there is a bigger picture to this—that sometimes pain is something that pushes us to compassion, to reaching out to others, to making a way ahead that otherwise would not be.

Beauty From Ashes

Beauty From Ashes

Walking through the burn scar of a recent forest fire in the mountains of Colorado is an eerie thing. It sort of feels like a ghost town, abandoned and barren. Charred remnants of trees lay blackened and oddly shaped all around. I felt overwhelmed by sadness to see all the once proud trees cut down to just burnt sticks. And then, as He always does, God lifted my hanging head to show me the beauty. Beauty from ashes.

I suddenly saw the fantastic beauty of the flowers, especially the one called fireweed which grows abundantly after a fire. Apparently the fireweed is the first plant to grow after a forest fire burns through. The grass that was popping up through the ash was bright green, and gave a colorful contrast and spoke of hope for a new future. None of the beauty minimized the pain of the fire, but it seemed to give it new meaning—calling it forward to new growth.

I talk to so many people who have had a forest fire in their lives, and some have had a few. They feel like their whole worlds lay blackened and reduced to ash. Sometimes they lit the match that started the fire, and other times it was someone else. Regardless of who started the blaze, they now stand in the middle of what seems like a hopeless burn scar.

Weakness as a Portal

Weakness as a Portal

I spoke to a woman the other day who told me she couldn’t be good enough to make God happy. And I told her I couldn’t either! I am happy to tell people about my failings and missteps because I don’t believe we are loved by God because we have a pretty image or façade. I also don’t believe that God is hoping we are strong enough to live the Christian life on our own. Instead, He offers His strength, wisdom, power, patience, and everything else to us in return for us to give up our efforts and our attempts to be good or to make Him happy.

I love what Paul says about rejoicing in weakness. He doesn’t say that he really likes his weakness necessarily, but rather than in his weakness, he was able to sense more deeply the power of Christ living in him. Paul saw weakness not as a disappointment to God, but rather a portal to His power! That’s a bit of a different take, isn’t it?

So often we obsess on getting it all right, whether the standard be God’s, other peoples’ or our own. Yet, God’s standard is automatically derailed when we realize He never meant for us to live in a pleasing way to Him without His power allowing us to achieve that. When we start from that point, we realize that the standard isn’t really important—it’s the relationship. Isn’t that what we want with everyone? I don’t want someone living up to my standard for them. I want relationship with them!

You Are a Mighty Warrior

You Are a Mighty Warrior

I am grateful there are people throughout the stories in the Bible who are cowardly, fearful, argumentative, and generally have a bad attitude. These stories remind me that it’s not about God having a really strong person in me, but my weakness allows His strength to be shown. Gideon is one of those people.

Gideon is scared, and not at all brave when it comes to tackling the idol worship going on in his camp. He doesn’t want to go fight Israel’s enemies and conquer them. He’d rather hide and hope everything comes out ok.

There are a lot of things I’m scared of, and if I get focused on them, they seem all-consuming. When God asks me to do something, I’m usually first to show Him all the reasons why that something isn’t a good idea. And why I’m not the woman for the job.

But just like He did with Gideon, God tells me that He will be enough for whatever I am facing. He says that with His presence, I have all I need.

I would rather He be a little more informative. I would like a bit more of the plan before I start. But often it is the simplicity of reminding me that His presence is what I have, and that is more than sufficient for whatever I face.

Abiding Life

Abiding Life

So, you accept that Jesus is the way and you invite Him into your life, accepting the complete forgiveness He’s already given for all the ways you’ve tried to do life on your own, and recognizing He makes your spirit alive. In this acceptance, you emerge a new person with access to all the power of the living God who does not ask you to live life by yourself and in your own strength, but provides His through His Life within in the presence of His Spirit.

You aren’t trying to prove yourself or do the right things, but rather you are living out the worth that God has already given you. You haven’t earned it, and it can’t be taken away. Jesus said you have worth, value and meaning, and He wants relationship with you—that’s why He suffered and died to make a way ahead. He beat up death, sin, evil and darkness, freeing us from ever having to serve them. We do choose to serve them sometimes, but we don’t have to—we have another way.

So, how do we live life now? First, you acknowledge that you are loved without having to perform or achieve or do one solitary thing. You have been called a child of God, and He loves you immensely without your achievement. Second, it isn’t about sin. Sin was dealt with on the cross, and is our master no more. Instead, it’s about believing that God will do what He says and recognizing that I can’t do it on my own.

Life for the religious often becomes a hamster wheel of doing “for” God and staying away from the things that might make Him mad. But in doing that, we are missing the point. He wants relationship, not performance. We don’t love others because we’ve decided to love really hard. We love others because He loved us first and that love overflows out of us onto someone else. And the things He tells us not to do are not because He’s going to blast us if we do them, but we start to recognize that they are the places of misery for us. Often these are the things we run to in order to try to feel better about life—substances, people, ministry, image.

They aren’t just “bad” things as defined by religion. Anything that puts you in a place where you are trying to gain acceptance and love based on what you do or don’t do is bad for us. Instead, there’s a sweet dependence of relationship when we wake up and ask Jesus what we are doing today. And when His peace leaves, so do we. We don’t need an explanation, but rather we start to understand that His peace is a guide for our contentment.

Your Hiding Place

Your Hiding Place

When Joshua and the Israelites had conquered the land for seven years, they set up the place of worship to God at Shiloh. It had been a crazy time, watching miracles of waters parted, major enemies defeated by the power of God, and some pretty rough losses as well when they didn’t do things as God had directed. Shiloh means whole, sound, quiet, secure, health or abundance. This sounds like a good place to me, especially to get away and just have time with the God who was leading their nation.

I often want this quiet place to get away, and sometimes I get time for it. But what I fail to realize when I focus on a place is that Jesus is our Shiloh now, and I can go anytime I want as He lives within me. I want the place of worship to be external, and sometimes it is. But no one can take that access from me, even if a church is destroyed, circumstances have limited us, or we feel as though we are imprisoned.

Edith Eger wrote about her time in a concentration camp during World War 2 in her book The Choice. What she credits with getting her through this time of horror was something her mother told her before they were imprisoned: Just remember, no one can take away from you what you've put in your own mind. She kept pushing into the internal because she couldn’t find freedom in the external.

When You Are Limping Instead of Running

When You Are Limping Instead of Running

Some days I run with passionate endurance.
Some days I walk with a limp.
The pressing on and finishing well
Can seem never-ending.
The fight could really just stop.
I don’t want to face the enemy—
I’d rather just hide.
Needing a break from it all.

That’s when I must push deep into rest,
Not sleep or taking a nap.
But pursuing quiet in the middle of the busyness,
Soaking in my time sitting at Jesus’ feet.
I come away from the distractions of life
To refocus instead on the outstretched hand,
Beckoning me to come to Him
And allow Him to restore my soul.

Fear and the Shepherd

Fear and the Shepherd

I’m afraid of so many things. Small, cramped spaces. Sending my kids to school. Rejection. Being left out. Home invasions. Doing or saying the wrong thing. Hurting someone. The list goes on and on. If I allow it to, fear can totally dictate every choice in my life, and keep me from so many things because of what might happen.

Something I’ve been learning, though, is that fear is a choice. Yes, some of us have trauma or training that would have us tend toward that choice. But we can slowly retrain that part of our brain that wants us to live in fear, and begin the process of becoming free.

I was reading Psalm 23 the other day and had a revelation—we can either follow fear or the Shepherd in decisions, but not both. It’s either attempting to protect ourselves and those around us (which really boils down to control), or entrusting ourselves and those we love to the Shepherd. We struggle with this because we have this illusion of control—we think we can control circumstances or people. But the reality is this is an illusion, and we are spinning our wheels trying to do something we have no actual power to do.

We have to recognize this lack of control and power, I think, before we are willing to trust the Shepherd. I have to acknowledge that I can’t protect myself or my family from every harm, that I can’t always avoid elevators or caves, that I can’t be likable enough to avoid all rejection or being left out, that I will hurt someone whether I mean to or not, and that I will definitely say the wrong thing sometimes. Usually when we start to get a glimpse of this, we shut down again and turn a blind eye—working harder to try to control something of which we have no actual control. However, we can also move into entrusting these worries and fears to the Shepherd.

Loving Without Agenda

Loving Without Agenda

One of the most important things that Mike Wells ever told me was that success or failure wasn’t up to me, so I shouldn’t wear it. Every year that goes by, more and more of what that means is revealed to me. Most recently, I have realized that whenever I get weary with my work, it is because I have determined my worth by how people react or change.

Don’t get me wrong—it is amazing when God does a work in someone and they come back from the depression, anxiety, addictions or whatever the dark place has been for them. I see it often, and I love to be a part of the incredible work Jesus does in these people’s lives.

But then there are some who don’t seem to be moving. That can be so tough for me, but only when I determine my ministry by the outcome.

God hasn’t called me to fix people. He hasn’t called me to have incredible outcomes of being the catalyst for change in many lives. He has called me to love people. I love them through counseling and discipleship. But whether or not I love them is not determined by them achieving certain standards or even going the right direction as I see it.

You Are Precious

You Are Precious

Beloved. Friend. Son or daughter. Not just someone to be used for a need He has. Perhaps we can’t understand who we are until we start to see what He has given us. What He sees when He looks at us.

He sees someone for whom He sacrificed everything because He considered us worth having relationship with. He sees none of the mistakes or failures as definition of us, but only sees the worth He has bestowed on us. Something is only worth what people will pay for it. I heard recently about a piece of virtual art that sold for over $60 million. Why? Because someone decided it had value enough to pay a crazy amount of money for it. And God has decided that your worth is valued at such a high price that He was willing to sacrifice His Son, and Jesus was willing to sacrifice Himself.

And this wasn’t just a one-time thing. He gives us His life, whether we treat it with respect or not. He is with us in everything we do or think. And I want to know—what are you communicating about what you think about your worth when you do what you do? That’s not a condemnation, but so many of us act as if we are hated, despised, spat on, worthless, devalued, dirty, and disappointing.

Friend of God

Friend of God

Friendship is one of those things that can be the source of much frustration, and also much encouragement. I have had friends betray me and turn their back on our relationship, and it hurts. I also have friends who stick with me through thick and thin, who show up consistently and who make life more fun. I had to learn how to be a friend, and I’m so grateful for those who have helped teach me what that looks like.

What I’ve been meditating on recently, though, is how God is my friend. I have read those verses in the Bible many times, but I have never really considered what it means to have Him as a friend.

To me, God’s ultimate goal for us is to grow in relationship with Him. We can’t get more of Him, as Colossians 2:9-10 says, we have all of God in Christ, and all of Christ in us—so we have been made complete! But we can grow deeper in relationship with Him, just as we have some superficial friends (more like acquaintances) and we have some deeper friends. We can try to keep our relationship with God to a superficial level, or we can dive into relationship with Him. I would suggest the latter as He is always putting us in the best place to know Him. If I can see this as the goal of life rather than my comfort, I’m going to be a lot less frustrated with my circumstances.

So, how do we grow in relationship with Him? I’m not going to give you a list of quiet times and sacrifices. I do believe that we have individual relationships with God, so we aren’t necessarily going to grow in relationship the same way. Just like different personalities have different kinds of relationships with people, so we have different relationships with God. Thinkers want to read and spend lots of quiet time with God, and that’s great! But a doer will fall asleep trying to do the same thing. Feelers will want to worship and sing, and will feel connection there. But thinkers will just get embarrassed and wonder why there has to be so much emotion! So, I’ve made the list simple, and it is to be expressed according to how God has made your own personality.

I Cry Out

I Cry Out

I cry out for relief.
I cry out in weariness.
I want change and different.
I want the pain to stop.
I want the wounds to heal,
The evil done to so many to be dealt with in justice.
I want the children to be delivered from the horror.
I don’t want anyone to suffer in the pain of this world.
I want those to be punished who do evil in Your name.
I don’t minimize any of this mess.

But I look to You.
I pour my heart out to the Compassionate One.
I ask for Your strength to keep pushing into the pain.
I ask for breakthrough with the revelation of Your love.
I see you are faithful to keep rescuing.
You continue to pursue with love not based on behavior.
I can be angry with you, and you take it.
You keep bringing hope, and redemption.
You keep buying us back from the pain,
Whether we caused it or it was done to us.
Not one evil done by us or to us
Can negate the new Life He has given us.
I need to say that again.
Nothing can steal us from this love.

The Distraction of What We Don't Have

The Distraction of What We Don't Have

A mentor of mine was talking to me recently about how often we obsess on what we don’t have, allowing ourselves to get distracted and discouraged. We are limited enormously when we are frozen in the comparison, obsession and looking off at what we think will complete us or make us happy.

Maybe it’s a relationship. Or a skill. Or financial security (perceived or temporary as it might be). Or a thousand other things we look at and desire, thinking that if we could just have the thing, we would be content and satisfied.

But that’s the rub. We might get whatever it is we desire, and it just pushes us to another thing. That’s the nature of this life—constant distraction and pushing towards something else we think we need and don’t have. It won’t satisfy. It won’t fulfill.

So, what’s the alternative? Looking at what we have.

The Dance of Relationship

The Dance of Relationship

I’ve been reading Tim Keller’s book, The Reason for God recently. I was struck by what he wrote about the Trinity. He says:

The life of the Trinity is characterized not by self-centeredness but by mutually self-giving love. When we delight and serve someone else, we enter into a dynamic orbit around him or her, we center on the interests and desires of the other. That creates a dance, particularly if there are three persons, each of whom moves around the other two. So it is, the Bible tells us. Each of the divine persons centers upon the others. None demands that the others revolve around him. Each voluntarily circles the other two, pouring love, delight, and adoration into them. Each person of the Trinity loves, adores, defers to, and rejoices in the others. That creates a dynamic, pulsating dance of joy and love.

He continues on to say that we are happiest when we are dancing, or in relationship, with the Trinity of God, as we are created for this—to be an extension of this beautiful relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

When we are enjoying this relationship and focused on God, we can enjoy the dance, and also reach out to others to come join us. I think the trouble comes when we believe we have to start our own dance, with people surrounding us who will make us feel happy. We are created to be in relationship, but the foundation of that must be our relationship with God or we will be tossed around and disappointed. I think that’s why so often we get incredibly hurt and rejected by people—because we have put them in a place in our lives that only He can hold.

Freedom in Knowing Your Worth

Freedom in Knowing Your Worth

People with whom I work are probably sick of hearing me talk about their identities in Christ. But I find it is such a foundational piece of living that it must be discussed often. We also have been so steeped in lies that the truth of who we are in Christ seems laughable. We go about trying to prove we have value and worth through our productivity, our kindness, or some other circumstance or behavior. But this puts things in the wrong order. We do not love others or achieve success (however that is measured) in order to prove we have value—we must first understand we have value, and then we can behave as one who is loved.

Sometimes we try to use circumstances to prove our worth. We look around at what we have achieved, how productive we are, how we define success and if we have achieved some level of it. This is then supposed to help us understand that we have value. But when we place our value on these things, we end up with two problems. One is that we cannot control a lot of our circumstances, and if we struggle with physical health, financial difficulty, or some other external factor, we can end up deciding we have no worth because we cannot perform in our circumstances as we used to. The other problem is that once we attain whatever level of success we have determined will give us value, there is usually another step to take to keep increasing that value. There is no ending point. If we attain education, power, money or status, there is always another level that we have to keep pushing towards.

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Sometimes after Christmas, the whole world seems to let out a deep sigh of resignation to the coming winter and the passing of the holiday season. It can be a dreary time for many, especially this year as so many issues continue to drag on around the world. This year for many has been a long, dreary one to begin with, and yet the change to the new year will not necessarily instantly change all of that. We may be excited to see this year pass on, but the change of circumstance may still be some time off.

I cracked a bit of a smile last month when God reminded me of how His word for me this year was “Follow.” I realized that the reason for this was because most of the year I had no idea what was coming next or what I should do, so I simply had to follow as He led. He kept bringing Isaiah 30:21 to me, where He says a voice behind us will call out right or left as we walk. And I kept thinking that I’d love a little more of a heads-up when it comes to directions than just a quick word right as I should be making a turn! But that’s walking moment-by-moment with Him, and there is a sweetness to recognizing His love in directing our steps.

This coming year I have received the phrase “Light in Darkness” and am eager to see how God will bring that about. There is something so significant about light to God. The first words He spoke in creating the world were “Let there be Light!” And He calls Jesus the Light of the world, and also us as believers. Darkness cannot remain when a light enters a room. It must flee. I wonder how often I have tried to drive out darkness in so many different ways, when all I needed to do was bring the Light. And we always have Light—for He dwells within us, shining through all our cracks to bring Light to darkness.