Courageous Peace

Courageous Peace

I often misunderstand God’s peace. I want it to be an absence of hard circumstances, or not being uncomfortable. Sometimes, it’s equated with happiness. But the verses in the Bible about peace don’t view peace like this at all. In fact, it’s often talked about in the middle of hard things. And Jesus says that it’s not a fragile peace like the world gives, but perfect peace. Unexplainable peace.

I have realized that I generally want peace to be tied to circumstances, but that’s comfort. No, peace doesn’t come from what surrounds you, but from Jesus Himself. To me, that’s actually quite a relief as that means I don’t have to have great circumstances to find peace. (Although, don’t get me wrong—I’d love to not be in the middle of suffering.) But that means that anywhere, and in anything, Jesus can be my peace.

No More Guilt

No More Guilt

Unfortunately in a lot of Christian communities, the emphasis is on guilt. We are told that we are supposed to feel really guilty all the time in order to get our act cleaned up, and to keep wallowing in the guilt so we don’t fall back into bad behaviors.

My friend and teacher Mike Wells used to differentiate between false guilt and true guilt, and I think it’s a concept that many have not considered because they almost equate God and guilt together. True guilt is the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit that what you are doing or have done doesn’t suit you as a new creation in Christ—this is the guilt that leads to repentance. We admit the problem, turn away and move forward in Him. Any guilt that comes after that initial repentance is false guilt.

Dealing with Failure

Dealing with Failure

Last week, I was in a mood. For most of the afternoon, I stomped around grumpy with the kids, the house, the husband. Everything. I justified it in my head as being someone else’ fault, but it wasn’t. I dished out orders to my precious little ones—I even got mad at the dog because she wouldn’t stop barking at something she has made up in her head! I was incredibly unpleasant to be around.

When I finally realized what a jerk I was being, I hung my head in shame. Here I am, the one who is supposed to know Jesus and experience His fullness and strength for everything—stomping around and throwing a temper tantrum like a 3-year-old.

Now, I have learned a few things about failure. And it is an ongoing sort of lesson, but I wanted to encourage any of you that feel like you have failed recently whether it be in a big or small way. These are some common misconceptions with failure that I think will help you come back to your acknowledgment of your state of abiding in Christ.

Fear Doesn't Get To Be Your Boss

Fear Doesn't Get To Be Your Boss

Anybody else make decisions throughout their day struggling with fear? Could be anything from fear of death to fear of missing out, and everything in between. But fear becomes the boss of you. It tells you how to live and what to avoid. It makes you believe you are controlling your life by obeying it. But any control given to you by fear is an illusion.

So, if God doesn’t give you the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7-8), how do you take fear out of the driver’s seat?

God's Enoughness

God's Enoughness

What do you need for today? Do you feel like you’ve been waiting so long for something that has yet to come? Do you feel a growing discouragement that it won’t ever come? Do you look at your day and feel it has already become too big for you to handle?

There are many things I have asked God for that He hasn’t brought yet. And there are things He has promised me that He hasn’t yet fulfilled. I was reading Genesis 17, which begins by telling us that Abram is now 99 years old. This man has been waiting on God’s promise of a son who will become a great nation for many, many years. I bet he’s been tempted to quit believing God’s promise many times. 

The Dance of Following

The Dance of Following

In the last few years, God has launched me on some projects that I never would have dreamed of working through on my own. And usually when He brings them up, I laugh and tell Him there’s no chance of my ever doing that! He kindly responds that He is setting the footsteps down in front of me—I only need to walk in them. 

That’s what has brought me to my word this year—Follow. 

Lessons in Rest

Lessons in Rest

As we close out 2019, I am reflecting on the word God gave me this year. I don’t do a word for the year often, but this one was incredibly prominent throughout the year for me. He gave me the word “rest” and I wanted to tell you what He’s taught me about rest this year.

When God first told me that “rest” was the theme for the year, I laughed because of all I had to accomplish this year. It was not the year I would have picked for rest. But what He was showing me was that rest wasn’t about what I had to do, but the Source from which I operated.  When I realize that everything I need for the Christian life comes from the Life of Christ within, I don’t have to overexert, overcommit, or overwork to try to make it all happen.

What is Abiding Life?

What is Abiding Life?

What is the abiding life? Imagine a branch which decides that it can produce grapes just fine on its own—it’s doesn’t need the life from the Vine. And then it gets even worse as it believes that the Vine has required it to produce fruit, and there is pressure associated with trying to meet this requirement with only its own strength as its source. You can see the branch will get frustrated, blame the Vine for putting this standard on it, and finally grow completely discouraged that it can ever live as it created to live—fruitful.

God's Blessing

God's Blessing

A friend of mine gave me the Passion translation of Genesis that just was released, and I was struck immediately in the introduction by something that was said about blessing. Genesis is full of talk of God’s blessing, and yet I realized I had a bad definition of blessing. I had always thought of it as the “good stuff” like riches, power, freedom, etc. You know, sort of like the opposite of a curse. 

2019 Report for Broken & Hopeful

2019 Report for Broken & Hopeful

Just wanted to update you all on the work done in 2019 at Broken & Hopeful!

-On track for 1000 hours of counseling in 2019

-Successful women’s retreat hosted with 34 attendees

-Visited VanEngen Chiropractic & Health Center in Lincoln, NE to set up referrals from there

-Completed website redesign donated by a support team member

-Speaking engagements

-Weekly blog posts for encouragement of believers

Why do the counselees not donate more?

-About 80% of them do donate something, but often they can only afford $15-20 per month

-Missionaries, kids in foster system, chronic illness, unemployed, college kids, single moms, people in ministry

-Each of these groups of people can find freedom, hope and peace as we work through counseling and deepening our relationship with Jesus, but they aren’t able to pay for $120-an-hour counseling

What’s next in 2020?

-Release of counseling video course “Discovering Freedom” in January

-Making the women’s retreat an annual thing and preparing for the next one in 2020

-30-day devotional encouraging you to discover your identity in Christ

Are you being called by God to support this ministry? If not, go in peace. I know that not everyone is called to support Broken & Hopeful. But if you are, thank you for being a part of what God is doing through this ministry! You are truly working WITH us, and I love the connections I see in body of Christ this way

Carrying Others' Burdens

Carrying Others' Burdens

We had a beautiful women’s retreat this last weekend, full of fellowship and freedom as we recognized that we have everything we need for the Christian life already within us in Christ’s Life. One of the things we talked about was how we sometimes feel the need to carry the burdens of others. We feel we must carry the burdens of our family, our friends, our coworkers, our kids and so many others. 

Walking in the Impossible

Walking in the Impossible

When I wake up to the limitations of the same old day with the same problems as yesterday, Your joy is my encouragement and inspiration.

When I look ahead to the overwhelming work needing to be done, You remind me it isn’t all up to me—that I can entrust my life and all it contains to You.

When I seem to be running from the demons of my past as they frighten me and threaten to keep me locked up in prison forever, You free me and show me how to fly.

Falling Into God

Falling Into God

I watched an interesting video recently of billionaire business owner, Sara Blakely, talking about her father’s raising her to welcome failure. Every night when his kids got back from school and they gathered around the dinner table, he would ask each of them how they had failed that day, and celebrate it! He wanted them to fail because that meant they were trying new things and not just staying in their comfort zone. Sara continues to do this with her own company employees today, having meetings where she asks them how they have failed and learned something new. 



I came across a name of God that I had not heard often before, possibly because it only appears in the Bible once. It is El Roi, the God who sees me. (Genesis 16:13-14) Hagar, servant of Sarai, has become pregnant because she has been offered to Abraham by her mistress. Sarai has developed some serious jealousy and is lashing out at Hagar, even though the whole thing was Sarai’s idea in the first place. Hagar escapes to get away from the torment, and God meets her in the desert. And my expectation for the next part of this story is that He rescues her, carries her off to a new land and allows her to prosper in comfort and happiness. But that’s not what happens. 

Finding the Joy

Finding the Joy

A few days ago, we were having company over for dinner and I was a teeny bit stressed about the preparation. I always think I’m much further ahead than I am, and I go from totally fine to the-world-is-falling-apart in three seconds flat. My 8-year-old son looked at me and asked innocently, “Mom, what can you look forward to today so you won’t be so stressed and you can relax?” And my jaw dropped open. Here was my child directing me to look past the hard thing to the good—to find the joy in the moment rather than allowing the stress to destroy it. 

A Little Celebration

A Little Celebration

A couple of years ago, I first got a planner in which you could write about the past week before you planned out the next one. There is a section for memories, gratitude, and progress on goals. Some might make fun of my holding onto a paper planner when I should be able to do it all with a smart phone, but I love the paper still. I’ve noticed, also, that this stopping each week to pinpoint things I’m grateful for from the past week has been so good for me!

Are Bad Days Really Invitations?

Are Bad Days Really Invitations?

Today was a day for unexpected confrontations. Some from other people, and some of my own stuff. I drove over to the thrift store donation drop-off to take some things recently purged from my house. As I got out and popped my trunk, the man who was receiving the donations started in on me. He complained that the stuff wasn’t separated according to the system he used (of which I was not aware), that he had to be in the sun for longer because of that, and that he had to get me a receipt. I stood dumbfounded as he heaped on the complaints, only offering a weak suggestion that since they were donations, maybe he could be more understanding. I figured since I was giving them freely and it was his job to separate them, maybe he would recognize his error and back off. He did not. I finally got back in my car and drove away while he continued to grumble. 

God's Great Care

God's Great Care

One of the hardest things about being a parent or caretaker is the amount of work that is done without any accolades, praise or thanks from those you are serving. It is amazing when you stop and think about what it is you do all day just in caring for people, whether it be kids, elderly parents, friends, grandkids, students or patients. You show up, cook, clean, fold, listen, empathize, teach, discipline, encourage, drive, and so much more. Each little task involved in caring for another person gets done as second nature after a while, but it is always a gesture of love and care for the recipient. 

Depression and Despair

Depression and Despair

What do you do when the aching fingers of sadness seem to take hold of your heart and your head and won’t let it go? When the thought of getting out of bed and facing the day causes you to roll over and forget the whole thing? When the obsession with all the stupid things you’ve said, the flaws in your appearance or demeanor, or the ways you’ve been let down begins to drown you in self-pity and despair?